Page 31 - Aequitas
P. 31
This is the true story of a band He started to commit crimes
leader named Lal Bihari Mritak, with the belief of declaring
who fought with government himself a living person on
systems for 18 years to get them paper. Later, he changed his
corrected in official documents. The name to Late Bharat Lal with
movie, starring Pankaj Tripathi as the help of an advocate and
Bharat Lal, expresses the various met a throng who were
locales in which the person lives as leading lives but were
a dead person. declared dead on papers in
Uttar Pradesh. Along with
In the film, Bharat Lal runs a troupe the people living as dead in
of bands that play music at official papers, they formed
functions. the organization ‘All India
Association of Dead People’.
When madmen like Bharat
To expand his business, there was Lal crossed the boundaries
a requirement for his ancestral and reached parliament and
property as collateral to earn a even shook everyone present
loan, so he went to his birthplace. there, he endured a lot from
The record keeper, Bure Singh, authority. . The person whose
came to know that Bharat Lal, son life is most impacted by her
of Kanhaiya Lal, was written as husband's endeavor is
dead on papers at his uncle’s Rukmani, the wife of Bharat
request. Uncle usurped his land to Lal, played by M. Monal
share the property with his son's Gajjar. She has expressed
children. Then his activism began malaise in the situation where
to reverse this injustice. As a citizen she has to apply for a widow's
of India, he trusted the pension while her husband is
administrative system and sent alive.
letters for hopeful change, leading
to a miserable life.