Page 36 - Aequitas
P. 36


                   It  is  quite  amazing  that  forensic                   analyzing        samples         and
                   science can identify a person even                       finally        bringing          out

                   if  the  body  is  burned,  bitten  by                   answers,  it  is  a  never-

                   insects, decomposed, or even by a                        ending process. A task that

                   skeleton.  My  discovery  of  this                       requires               experience,

                   subject  in  my  early  senior  years                    knowledge,            and        one

                   remained a mystery to me. When I                         important thing: ‘PASSION’.

                   uncovered          the       truth      about            This  is  a  subject  that

                   forensics,  I  could  say  only  one                     requires  learning  with  the

                   word:  "AMAZING."  Giving  up  the                       brain, not books. The skill to

                   idea  of  being  an  anaesthetist  and                   master  the  art  of  forensics

                   enrolling in forensics was a difficult                   comes  through  experience.
                   decision  to  make.  Both  are  my                       For  me,  it’s  a  starting

                   interests, and I had to give up one.                     journey,       and       I’m     still

                                                                            standing on the first step.

        After  further  research  and                            The  other  fascinating  discoveries
        unraveling mysteries, I concluded                        include  blood,  which  is  washed

        that it was God who decided my                           away  with  water  and  cleaned;

        fate  to  be  a  forensic  scientist.                    forensics  uses  luminol  and  other

        Accepting  the  decisions,  I  grew                      methods  that  will  illuminate  and

        more interested as I unfurled the                        show  positive  results.  This  is  an

        mysteries of forensics. Yes, I was                       example  of  why  forensics  is

        ready to take up forensic science,                       amazing.  In  forensic  science,  there

        the  most  fascinating  subject  for                     are many specializations, like cyber

        really  curious  people  with  a                         forensics,  forensic  anthropology,
        never-ending  saga  of  asking                           forensic         odontology,          forensic

        questions.        The       journey        of            toxicology, forensic ballistics, etc.  All

        becoming a skilled forensic expert                       these  come  together  as  one  and

        is  really  difficult.  From  entering                   work as one. Each one of us carries

        the crime scene to                                       unique details;

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